Hyperlinked Buttons for Confluence


Plugin provides macro to add hyperlinked buttons to confluence pages.

Privacy Policy

You can find all information about privacy policy for this plugin on the Privacy Policy for Hyperlinked Buttons for Confluence page.

Key Features


To configure a Button component, add the macro to your page and specify the settings in the form provided.


Field Description Logic
Title The text displayed on the button. This field is required. You must enter a title for the button. If left blank, an error message will appear.
Link The URL the button will navigate to when clicked. This field is required. Specify a valid URL.
Open in Specify how the link should open. Values:
  • Current tab
  • New tab
Appearance Defines the visual style of the button. Select one of the predefined styles, such as "Default,", "Primary" "Subtle," "Danger", or "Warning".
Spacing Adjusts the padding and margin around the button. Values:
  • Compact
  • Default
Icon before Adds an icon before the button text. Select an icon from the list or leave blank for no icon.
Icon after Adds an icon after the button text. Select an icon from the list or leave blank for no icon.
